National Parks

The Vanoise National Park (French: Parc national de la Vanoise), is a French national park between the Tarentaise and Maurienne valleys in the French Alps, created in 1963. It was the first French national park. This park is in the département of Savoie.

Colours of autumn in the Vanoise, near the hamlet of Comblaz
© Parc national de la Vanoise: Stéphane Mélé

The landscape is composed of several large zones (grasslands, heath and moorland, forests, etc.), known as "habitats", which differ depending on various ecological criteria (climate, nature of substrate, exposure, slope, etc.). Like all national parks, the Vanoise National Park has four main missions : to protect, promote knowledge, raise awareness and contribute to local development.

The park is well known for its population of Alpine ibex (Capra ibex), bouquetins in French. Other than Alpine ibex there are Chamois, Alpine Marmot, Eurasian Lynx, Mountain Hare and Stoat. Birds include Bearded Vulture, Golden Eagle and Black Grouse.

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